Friday, February 23, 2007

The Start of the Crusade.

As I sit here in the Roasterie Cafe, on the 6200 block of Brookside Blvd. in downtown Kansas City, I feel as though I am in Camelot. After having downed one Double Macchatio, on seven dollar mexican hot chocolate and currently sipping on a cup of Jasmine green tea, I feel as though I should expand my pallet of Coffees and Teas from area coffee houses. Hence forth, me and my companion Maytag (otherwise known as Nathan, long story on the nickname) shall set forth upon a crusade to find the best coffees and teas in KC. The Roasterie Cafe shall be our standard. I'm sure there are better actual coffee roasters in the world, but I feel the need to respect the locals. Join us on this beany journey (cheesy I know).

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